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Unmet social care needs are increasing

According to its recent survey, the Association of Directors of Adults Social Services (ADASS) has said it sees a picture of growing social care needs which are not being met and which is impacting on life and wellbeing.

The report highlighted, “Everyday directors, social workers and councils are having to make decisions about who gets care and support, what they can afford to pay for, how much they charge and to balance maintaining life-saving and sustaining support today versus reshaping care and support for the future.”

The report found councils were planning to make savings of £601m to manage their finances this year, equivalent to 3.7% of their net budgets.

Only 21% were fully confident they had the budget to fulfil their statutory duties in 2021-22, down from 33% in the equivalent pre-Covid survey with confidence dropping across a range of areas.

Age UK Charity director Caroline Abrahams commented, “No local government official readily admits that they are routinely breaking the law, and the fact that so many have done so in this survey shows just how bad a state social care is now in. We admire the honesty of these directors of adult social services and sympathise with the increasingly impossible position they find themselves in, trying to spread the jam ever more thinly to meet a tsunami of local care needs – a situation made worse by the pandemic.”


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