There are growing calls for specialist housing facilities for older people which can help to meet some of their care needs.
Currently, there are only 70,000 housing with-care units. This compares to 444,000 retirement housing units and 477,000 care home beds and means that only 0.6% of the over 65s have access to housing-with-care. This is significantly lower than the 5-6% of over 65s who are living in similar retirement communities in the US.
The Associated Retirement Community Operators (ARCO) has an ambitious vision for 250,000 people to live in housing-with-care communities by 2030. They believe this would provide a more coherent and effective care model that would benefit the NHS, help to relieve adult social care demand and assist in the reforms in the approach to funding.
Source: The Faculty of Actuaries and The Society of Later Life Advisers